Lucidchart is your solution for visual communication and cross-platform collaboration.

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Lucidchart is your solution for visual communication and cross-platform collaboration.
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Flowcharts and diagrams take complex ideas, like workflows or design concepts, and make them easily digestible. Lucidchart is one of the best known flowchart and diagramming tools on the web right now, and it's not hard to see why. Founded in 2008, when the idea of running software in a browser was still novel, Lucidchart keeps growing in the market once dominated by Microsoft's Visio. This success is due to a quick-to-learn user interface, a web-based interface that works on any computer, and a free version that's generous enough for new users to get a feel for how everything works. Read MoreSign up for a free trial, and you can make your first flowchart or diagram right away. You'll get a wide range of templates for flowcharts, product roadmaps, email flows, and more, and there's also a wide variety of shapes available. If you're making a flowchart, you'll find all of the standard shapes, but browse and you'll also find shapes specific to things like mocking up an Android application or laying out an electrical project. You can even use data to create diagrams (e.g., org charts and smart containers) that you can then highlight with conditional formatting. By bringing in data from outside sources, you'll be sure your diagrams are always up to date.Lucidchart offers real-time online collaboration, which is unique among similar diagramming tools. This means that, similar to Google Docs, you can see edits your co-workers are making in real-time, whether they're across the room or the planet. Lucidchart's free version means any potential collaborators don't need to pay up before they can start pitching in. Lucidchart can also import diagrams made using all of its major competitors, including Microsoft Visio, OmniGraffle, Gliffy, and This means you can migrate to this tool even if you're already using something else. Lucidchart can also export to PDF, image files, and SVG vectors, which makes it easy to send your diagrams over to, say, a print shop. You can also export to a Microsoft Visio file, which gives you some ability to coordinate with Visio users. This all gives you a lot of flexibility, which is important when you're looking to add a new tool to your workflow. You can kind of twist word processors, image editors, or presentation software into a makeshift flowchart and diagramming app. You can also use a hammer to drive in screws—but the result won't be pretty. If you're looking to make flowcharts and diagrams on any device, with real-time collaboration and a user interface that's optimized for the task at hand, Lucidchart might be exactly the tool you're looking for.


List Data Sets
Retrieve all data sets that you have access to in Lucidchart.
List Data Set Rows
Lists the rows.
Create Data Set
Create a new data set in Lucidchart.
Delete Data Set Row
Deletes a row from a Lucidchart data set.
Delete Data Set Row (Advanced)
Deletes a row from a Lucidchart data set that meets specific criteria.
Create Data Set Row
Creates a new row in a Lucidchart data set.
Update Data Set Row
Updates a row that already exists in a Lucidchart data set.
Update Data Set Row (Advanced)
Updates a row that already exists in a Lucidchart data set, and meets specific criteria.
Find Data Set Row (Advanced)
Finds a row in a Lucidchart data set using a search expression.
Find Data Set
Find data set that you have access to in Lucidchart.
Find Data Set Row
Finds a row in a Lucidchart data set by searching fields in the data.
Find or Create Data Set Row
Finds a row in a Lucidchart data set by searching fields in the data.

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