Botsify is a platform to create artificial intelligent Chatbots to replace your live support without any coding.

Customer Support Botsify
Botsify is a platform to create artificial intelligent Chatbots to replace your live support without any coding.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


Botsify Human Help
Triggers when a person talking to Bot needs Human Help.
A New Subscriber From Facebook
Triggers when there is a new user started talking to your Facebook Bot.
Form Submitted
Triggers when a user submits form.
Get User Conversations
Fetch all user conversations using the provided user id.
New Lead
Triggers when any when any website bot would collect a lead from user.
Select Form
Select your Bot Forms.
Select User Segment
Select User Segment.
New Story
New story.
Auth Trigger
Triggers when user authenticate the account.
User Attribute Added
Triggers when any when any user attribute is added.
Create Story
Creates a new story.
Send Broadcast
Send Broadcast message to Bot's Facebook Users.

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Construya sus propios formularios digitales

Con el Form Builder puede crear formularios perfectos. Es fácil, intuitivo y potente.

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