TeamWave is an unified platform for project management, CRM, and HR software for small businesses.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) TeamWave
TeamWave is an unified platform for project management, CRM, and HR software for small businesses.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


Used in dropdown.
All Contacts
It will be use for dynamic dropdown.
All Deals
All deals.
All Pm Users
Triggers when all pm users are needed.
All Projects
It will be use for dynamic dropdown.
All Taskgroups
It will be use for dynamic dropdown.
All Users
Used in dynamic dropdown.
New Person
Trigger when a ​new person is created.
New Organization
Triggers when a new organization is created.
This is a hidden trigger, and is used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app.
New Deal
Triggers when a new deal is created.
Logged User
Triggers when logged users.
New Activity
Triggers when a new Activity is created.
New Event
Triggers when new event is created.
New Milestone
Triggers when Milestone is added.
New Project
Triggers when a new project is created.
New Task
Triggers when a new task is added.
New Task List
Triggers when a new task list is added.
New Timelog
Triggers when New Timelog is made.
This is a hidden trigger, and is used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app.
This is a hidden trigger, and is used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app.
This is a hidden trigger, and is used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app.
Pipeline Stages
Project Taskgroups
Triggers when Project taskgroups are created.
Project Users
Selects project for users.
Brings stages by pipeline.
This is a hidden trigger, and is used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app.
This is a hidden trigger, and is used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app.
Taskgroups by Project
Triggers when taskgroups by project.
Taskgroup Users
Taskgroup users.
Find Template
This will give templates.
Deal Matching Filter
Triggers when a deal is moved to selected Stage.
Updated Person
Triggers when an existing person is updated.
Updated Deal
Triggers when deal is upadted.
Updated Organization
Triggers when an existing organization is updated.
Users by Project
Triggers when you need users by project.
Users by Taskgroup
Users by taskgroup.
User ID
This is a hidden trigger, and is used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app.
Add Follower
Adds a follower to a deal.
Create Person
Creates a new person.
Create Activity
Creates a new activity.
Create Deal/People/Organization
Creates Deal, Contact and Organization on Teamwave.
Create Deal
Creates a new deal.
Create Event
Creates a new event.
Create Milestone
Creates a new milestone.
Create Project
Creates a new project.
Create Task
Creates a new Task.
Create Task List
Creates a new task list.
Create Organization
Creates a new organization.
Create Project From Template
This creates project from available templates.
Update Person
Updates an existing person.
Update Deal
Updates an existing deal.
Update Organization
Updates an existing Organization.
Find User
Finds a user by email.
Find Person
Finds an existing person.
Find Deal
Finds an existing deal. Optionally, create one if none are found.
Find Organization
Find an organization.

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