OfficeRnD is a workspace management platform helping Coworking Spaces and Business Centers automate operations and improve members experience. The platform acts like a central hub that connects to and manages all systems already in place, saving space operators time and allowing them to focus only on the highest leverage activities.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) OfficeRnD
OfficeRnD is a workspace management platform helping Coworking Spaces and Business Centers automate operations and improve members experience. The platform acts like a central hub that connects to and manages all systems already in place, saving space operators time and allowing them to focus only on the highest leverage activities.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


New Booking
Triggers when a new booking is added.
New Contract
Triggers when a new contract is added.
New Event
Triggers when a new event is added.
Default label
Default descrption
New Member
Triggers when a new member is added.
New Membership
Triggers when a new membership is added.
Member Status Updated
Triggers when member's status is changed.
New Opportunity
Triggers when a new opportunity is added.
New Invoice
Triggers when a new invoice is added.
New Post
Triggers when a new post is added.
New Company
Triggers when a new company is added.
Create Booking
Creates a new booking.
Create Event
Creates a new event.
Create One-Off Fee
Creates a new one-off fee.
Create Member
Creates a new member.
Create Membership
Creates a new membership.
Create Opportunity
Creates an opportunity for a new member. This action allows creating a new company as well.
Create Post
Creates a new post.
Create Company
Creates a new company.
Update Booking
Updates a booking by spefied ID.
Find Booking
Find booking by id or reference
Find Member
Find member by id, name, or email
Find Location
Find location by id, name or city
Find Company
Find company by id, name, or email

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