Myphoner is a cold calling tool used for lead management and lead tracking, with the focus of creating a superior workflow for the sales agent.

Call Tracking Myphoner
Myphoner is a cold calling tool used for lead management and lead tracking, with the focus of creating a superior workflow for the sales agent.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


Archived Lead
Triggers when a lead is archived (marked 'archive').
Call Back
Triggers when a lead is marked for 'call back'.
Get all leads from your account - internal trigger used for dynamic dropdowns etc.
Triggers when a new list is created.
Lost Lead
Triggers when a lead is lost (marked 'loser').
New Winner
Triggers when a lead is won.
Create Lead
Creates a new Lead.
Create Note
Creates a new note for a lead.
Mark Lead as Loser
Marks a given lead as a loser.
Mark Lead as Winner
Marks a given lead as a winner.
Mark Lead for Call Back
Marks a given lead for call back, optionally at a specific time.
Update Lead
Updates an existing lead in myphoner.
Find Lead
Lookup a Lead in myphoner based on a specific field with a matching value.
Search for Lead
Lookup a Lead in myphoner based on free text search.
Find or Create Lead
Find or Create Lead

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