Doki helps entrepreneurs easily deliver a variety of online learning experiences including courses and mentorship programs.

Online Courses Doki
Doki helps entrepreneurs easily deliver a variety of online learning experiences including courses and mentorship programs.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


Auth Test
The auth test trigger.
Module Unlocked via Auto-Drip Schedule
Triggers when a module is unlocked via drip for an individual in an auto-drip schedule. You should have already created an auto-dripped distribution of your course before enabled this.
Module Unlocked via Class Schedule
Triggers when a module is unlocked via drip for a group or class. You should have created a class package before using this Trigger.
Fetch Auto Packages
Fetches a list of auto-drip packages for a course.
Fetch Class Packages
Fetches a list of class-drip packages for a course.
Fetch Courses
Fetches a list of your courses.
Fetch Packages
Fetches a list of packages for a course.
New Payment
Triggers when a payment is created via charge or subscription.
New Student
Triggers when a confirmed user becomes a student by signing up for a course or class.
New User
Triggers the first time a new user is created and confirms their account.
Updated Progress
Triggers when a student progress is updated in any course.
Create Invite
Creates a one-time invite to a course package.
Add User
Adds a new user to your Doki account.
Grant User Access to Course
Grants a user access to a course package.

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