GoSquared is a customer analytics platform that brings together all your customer information in one place. GoSquared enables teams to easily search, discover and take action on their customer data, enabling them to acquire more customers, provide better support, and build a better product.

Marketing Automation GoSquared
GoSquared is a customer analytics platform that brings together all your customer information in one place. GoSquared enables teams to easily search, discover and take action on their customer data, enabling them to acquire more customers, provide better support, and build a better product.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


Live Chat Message
Triggers when a new Live Chat message is received.
User Entered Smart Group
Triggers when a user enters a specific Smart Group.
User Exited Smart Group
Triggers when a user exits a specific Smart Group.
Retrieve Smart Groups
Used to get a list of Smart Groups.
Retrieve Sites
Used to get a list of Sites.
Test Trigger
This is just a test trigger.
Traffic Dip
Triggers when the number of currently online visitors falls below a certain threshold.
Traffic Spike
Triggers when the number of currently online visitors goes above a certain threshold.
Track Event
Tracks a new event in GoSquared.
Create or Update Profile
Create a new profile or update an existing one in People CRM.
Track Transaction
Tracks a new transaction in GoSquared.

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Com o Form Builder você pode criar formulários perfeitos. É fácil, intuitivo e poderoso.

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