Platform for updating your CRM or marketing automation tool with real-time company information.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Vainu
Platform for updating your CRM or marketing automation tool with real-time company information.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


New Buying Signal
Triggers when a new signal happens in a prospect list of your choice.
Check Portfolios
Check user's portfolios.
Check Target Groups
Triggers when a user needs a dynamic dropdown for Target Group list.
Add Company to Static List
Adds a given company to a selected static list if the company is found from the Vainu's database.
Find Company
Finds a company from Vainu with a given parameter. You can then use this data e.g. to enrich CRM's data.

Exporte os resultados no seu formato preferido

Obtenha os resultados em Excel, PDF ou integrando com nossa API

Inscreva-se grátis

Crie seus próprios formulários digitais

Com o Form Builder você pode criar formulários perfeitos. É fácil, intuitivo e poderoso.

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