Ally Hub is a tool that simplifies the administration process of companies dealing with international travel education around the world.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Ally Hub
Ally Hub is a tool that simplifies the administration process of companies dealing with international travel education around the world.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


New Bill
Triggers when a new bill is created. (Financial > Bills)
New First Quote
Triggers when a student first quote is created.
New Sold Quote
Triggers when a student quote is set as sold.
New Receivable
Triggers when a new receivable is created. (Financial > Receivable)
New Status
Lists the statuss.
New Student
Triggers when a new student is created.
New Task or Event
Triggers when a new task or event is created.
Change Student Status
Change a student status.
Create Student
Creates a new student.
Create Task
Creates a new task.

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