Marketo's marketing automation software helps marketers engage customers and prospects.

Marketing Automation Marketo
Marketo's marketing automation software helps marketers engage customers and prospects.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.
The result you want is simple: New paying customers. Getting there is complicated. You need to get potential users’ interest, help them learn more about your products, and finally make sure they actually make the purchase. That means a lot of back-and-forth, with bits of data about your potential customers in a half dozen apps. Or you could simplify things. With a marketing automation app like Marketo, you could get new leads, keep track of their details, market to them with customized emails, and figure out who needs a more personal touch automatically in one place.Read MoreMarketo is an office suite of marketing tools. It can do just about anything your marketing team needs. So you’ll start out from Marketo’s landing page that includes quick links to its core tools: Marketing activities, Design studio, Lead database, and Analytics—along with Community to learn more about Marketo and get help along with other users. From there—or the Marketo menu in the top left corner of the app, similar to the Windows Start Menu—you can jump to the tool you need anytime.You first need to get leads, so you’ll likely start out in the Design Studio. There you can make new landing pages, forms, emails, and snippets, and add new images and files to your account. Snippets are bits of formatted text; add things you’ll write frequently there, then you can reuse them in landing pages and emails, complete with customized text for segments to personalize content automatically. Forms and emails work the same. Add a form, and you can then embed it in any landing page—or make an email, and you can add it to any marketing activity workflow.Creating each item works much the same, too. You’ll click the New button in Marketo’s menubar, select the item you want to make, and set the folder it’ll be saved in. That’ll add a new entry for the form or snippet or whatever else you made in the sidebar—and will open that item’s details in Marketo’s main view. Click the Edit button there—sometimes under an Actions menu—to open Marketo’s form or snippet or other item editor. And for the most part, you can edit with pre-made themes, or you can customize your own HTML and CSS templates for landing pages, forms, and emails. You can also reuse your work, embedding those forms, snippets, and files into landing pages that gather leads, and then use the same images and snippets in the emails so you don’t have to re-type stuff.Those tools will help you gather leads, which will start filling up the Lead database. It shows each of your contacts in a database-type view. Double-click on a lead to open its full details in a new window, where you can access each of its fields. You can then make segments to group leads perhaps based on their country, last name, the landing page that helped them find your brand, the date they first visited your website (which you can track with Marketo’s tracking code that helps you see which pages on your site people have visited), and more. Or, you can build smart lists in segments that go even deeper, with workflows that could watch for, say, someone that filled out your contact form a week ago then clicked your pricing page today. Think through the ways your customers come in contact with your brand, then turn those into smart lists that will give you those exact leads.You can then pull it all together with Marketing Activities view. There, you can have Marketo watch a segment or smart list for leads, and then run those leads from a Flow or automated sequence that can send them emails, change their lead score, move them to a new list, trigger an integration, and more. That’s where the automation comes in. Each of those emails you made before can now be sent to a targeted smart list audience, with Marketo watching for how they interact with that email before taking the next step to automatically turn them into a customer.Marketo includes far more features, depending on the package your team uses, but it all works the same way. You’ll use its various tools to make reusable content, gather leads in a database, organize those leads based on criteria, and automatically market to them.


Empty Trigger
Returns an empty array.
List Activity Types
Lists the activity types.
List of Lead Fields
Lists the fields available in the "lead" object.
Fetch Lead Lists
Returns a JSON array that contains the lists of leads. This trigger is only used to provide data to Dynamic Dropdowns.
Fetch Partition Lists
Returns a JSON array that contains the Partition Lists. This trigger is only used to provide data to Dynamic Dropdowns.
New Lead
Triggers when a new lead is created.
Triggers on new activity for a lead, such as opening an e-mail, clicking on a link, and more.
Test Trigger
Test Trigger.
Add Lead to List
Adds a lead to a list.
Create or Update Lead
Creates or Updates a lead.
Update Lead
Updates information for an existing lead.
Find Lead
Finds a lead whose e-mail address matches the search criteria.
Find or Create Lead
Finds or creates a specific search lead.

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