ESputnik is a marketing automation service made to embody the toughest ideas of enterprise level solutions in very clear and efficient way for everyone.

Marketing Automation eSputnik
ESputnik is a marketing automation service made to embody the toughest ideas of enterprise level solutions in very clear and efficient way for everyone.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


Get Version
Get rest api version Trigger.
Get Segments
Get list of segments of contacts.
Get SMS Alpha Names
Get list of SMS alpha names.
Get Email Messages
Get email messages stored in eSputnik.
Get SMS Messages
Get list of SMS messages, stored in eSputnik.
New Contact
Triggers when a new contact is added.
New Contact in Segment
Triggers when a new contact is added to a segment.
Test Trigger
Not used.
Add/Update Contact
Adds confirmed contact or updates existing contact.
Subscribe Contact
Subscribes a contact.
Send Event
Sends an event.
Send HTML Email
Not used.
Send Email
Sends an email using a specified message template.
Send SMS
Sends SMS using a specified message template.
Find Contact by Email
Test find contact by email.

Export results to different platforms

Get the results in Excel, PDF or integrating with our API

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