Email > Clearout

Clearout is an email validation and verification service that helps you eliminate bounces, prevent fraudulent signups, and protect your brand's reputation.

Email Clearout
Clearout is an email validation and verification service that helps you eliminate bounces, prevent fraudulent signups, and protect your brand's reputation.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


Verify Email Address
Verify an email address to know its status (Valid or Invalid or Catch-All or Disposable or Free Account, Spamtrap or Toxic)
Find Domain Expiry
Convenience API to return the domain's expiry date time. Useful to monitor and alert the domain owner
Find Domain MX
Convenience API to find and return the MX records for a domain in higher priority order
Find Domain Whois Record
Convenience API to find and return the Whois record for the domain in JSON format
Verify Email Address For Business Email
Verify email address belongs to Business or Work or Professional. Most business sites/applications require to capture only the business email addresses. However, in certain contexts, businesses can receive better open/response rates when only sending to non-free email addresses
Verify Email Address For CatchAll
Verify an email address for Catch-All. A 'Catch-All' email account is the account that captures emails sent to any invalid email addresses of the domain and never bounces it back to the sender.
Verify Email Address For Disposable
Verify email address for Disposable. Generally, a disposable email address is a temporary mailbox that can only receive an email, self-destructed after a certain time elapses. It is also known by names like throwaway email, fake-mail or trash-mail, such type of email addresses are used for account activation, thus by not revealing personal email address to the service provider, so it is highly recommended not to send emails to disposable addresses
Verify Email Address For Role
Verify email address for role account, typically these addresses are associated with a role or group (postmaster, support, sales, etc.) account instead of a person. In some instances, mailing to a role address can lead to a decreased open rate and is generally advised against while sending an email

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