Template Information
Dp tech systems ohs
Category: general
Template Questions
- Does the site have a UGL Rail safety management plan?
- Is the safety management plan in the standard UGL Rail format (available in EIMS)
- Has the site safety management plan been reviewed and approved by appropriate people within the past 12 mths (or as per plan)
- Evidence of sign off by Site Manager, GM, Site Leadership Team, etcConsultation with Employees, Revie
- Is the SMP available for review by employees, and other stakeholders?
- Inductions, meeting minutes, specific training material and attendance records.
- Comment
- Are all OHS and environmental policies displayed?
- Policies displayed where people can view and read them.
- Are the policies communicated and discussed to employees, contractors and visitors?
- The site has a register of all applicable legislation standards and codes of practice
- Legislative requirements are known, documented and administered
- Are legislative, standards and codes of practice reflected in the Hazard & Risk Control process
- Specific safety legislation, standards, clauses and requirements shall form part of completed hazard
- Revisions & Updates – Is there evidence changes to relevant legislation, standards and codes of practice communicated to the work force?
- Revisions or updates to legislation are communicated and action according to procedure Rail-P-2-2-201
- Permits and Licenses
- Applicable approvals, permits and licences required for legal and other compliance exist.Identificati
- Does the site have suitable safety targets?
- Site specific targets exist and relevant to the site activities, facilities etc. Targets may include
- Are the site safety targets measured, displayed and action implemented when targets not met?
- Targets are reported on and actions determined and implemented when targets not met. Are they include
- Are site safety targets communicated to the site stakeholders?
- Targets and results posted on notice boards, made available to stakeholders
- Are site Objectives and Targets aligned with UGL Rail Objectives and Targets and the UGL Rail HSSE Improvement Plan?
- O&Ts focus on Leadership, Systems & Risk management aspects
- HSSE responsibilities specified for all people on site, including contractors and visitors?
- Roles, Responsibilities & Accountabilities Matrix developed for the site?
- Are HSSE responsibilities communicated effectively to employees, contractors and visitors?
- Induction records, position descriptions, sub-contract. Must include environmental elements. Posters,
- Workplace Safety Support
- The site has appointed a qualified and experienced HSSE professional to assist management in workplac
- How are HSSE Resource requirements determined?
- Financial & Physical – • Budget determined?• Based on action plan, improvement plan etc• Risk Assessm
- Return to Work Coordinator – Is a RTW Coordinator appointed and recognised by Health Services?
- RTW Coordinator have appropriate training to fulfil the role
- Workplace Hazards - Latent and high risk hazards and site factors that may impact health and safety have been identified?
- The site hazard summary overview of the latent and high risk hazards and site factors that may impact
- Work Activity Hazards - Hazard ID and risk assessment has been conducted for work activities?
- HIDRA provides a work process breakdown of safety and planning requirements at the site or project le
- Do all high risk activities have appropriate controls (SWMS, JHA’s, Wi’s, PPE, Work Permits etc)?
- SWMS and Work Instructions developed based on the risk assessment outcome of the HIDRA.SWMS or Work I
- Are personnel conducting UTake5?
- Risk reviews (inspections, audits etc) are undertaken by the site to ensure the effectiveness of our
- HIDRA or Risk reviews are undertaken, and related documents are updated after incidents.
- Changes are made to related documents, communicated to employees and other stakeholders,
- Are plant and equipment risks identified, assessed and controlled
- The Operations Manager shall ensure that a risk assessment is completedPlant Risk Assessments for eac
- Is there a plant register containing all plant and equipment?
- Register may be in SAM/SAP, Excel, Maximo….is there a list of all plant on site?
- Is there a process in place to correctly maintain plant and equipment
- Preventative maintenance/ inspection schedules in SAM / Maximo etc
- Conduct a site walk, check and item of plant and ensure:- Registration Checklist completed- Risk Assessment complete- In plant register- Operator licensed, training and competent- Daily prestart completed- Regular Maintenance completed
- Not returned to service without technical review and sign off/approval
- New Plant or Equipment – are reviews conducted before operation on site?
- Updated risk assessment documents
- Are Hazardous & dangerous materials risks identified, assessed and controlled
- MSDS available for all chemicals
- MSDS located near the materials, and in a central location – stored so they are easy to find – eg alp
- Is there a Materials register containing all hazardous and Dangerous Materials?
- Is a pre-purchase checklist available for all materials
- Review Signage, placards MSDS located near Material and another location - eg office/First Aid room
- Opportunities to reduce the use of materials?
- Evidence of removal/rationalisation of materialsUpdated risk assessment documents
- Does the site have a Rail safety management plan?
- Is the Rail safety management plan in the standard UGL Rail format (available in IMS)
- Does the Site have a current interface agreement?
- Current Version located in local records management repository – SharePoint
- Has the site allocated a resource to coordinate and communicate rail Safety Requirements across the site and with the Rail Safety Manager?
- PD, Rail safety Management Plan
- Are safety reviews conducted on production and product systems?
- Product/production systems have a safety review conducted for:• Design of rolling stock• Maintenance
- Supplier/Sub Contractor SWM’s (or equivalent) are reviewed every 3 mths for compliance
- Periodic inspections and audits will be carried out by the UGL Rail operations team to confirm the su
- Is there a site PPE matrix maintained and communicated amongst the site.
- The PPE Matrix and related information shall be communicated through the site induction, signs around
- Have site personnel been trained in correct use of PPE
- Are HSSE issues, topics & initiatives communicated around the site?
- This can include any HSSE related communications in the form of posters, meeting minutes, information
- Does the site induction comply with ENG-P-21-2-21128
- Meeting attendees, minutes, tasks etc recorded
- Do the site notice boards have current and complete HSSE information
- Site HSSE notice boards shall include the following information:• Details of Site or area first aid,
- Does the site have a current and complete training matrix
- • UGL• UGL Rail• Site specific
- Does the site have a current traffic management plan?
- Are employees, contractors and visitors made aware of the process for reporting incidents?
- Evidence in the form of inductions, specific training, posters, meeting minutes. This needs to includ
- Can the site demonstrate incidents have are being reported and managed correctly?
- Specific UTrac incident reports completed, acknowledged and closed out.
- Does the site report HSSE statistical data into UTrac for monthly reporting processes?
- Timely lead and lag HSSE information needs to be entered into Utrac. This data needs to be verified d
- Does the site report using the Rail HSSE templates in IMS, is the reporting submitted on time?
- Records in the form of registers, inspections, checklists, as required by Check-It. Does not require
- Does the site have safety and environmental equipment that requires calibration or specific maintenance?
- Calibration certificates on sound monitors, gas detectors & pH monitors. Registers kept for testing a
- Does the site have a current HSSE improvement plan
- Does site management actively participate in OHS and environmental audits?
- Participate in the form of audit kick off/close out meetings, effective close out of actions/NCR's, c
- Does the site retain copies of previous audits on record?
- Previous audit reports accessible.
- Is there evidence of UGL safe work behaviour programs implemented adequately?
- USafeCardinal RulesUWalkHazOb
- Does the site have a detailed emergency response plan covering both environmental and OHS emergencies?
- Evidence in the form of an emergency plan, incident response plans, procedures. Needs to include envi
- Do records exist showing regular testing, inspection and maintenance of emergency equipment? Extinguishers, alarms, wash downs, spill kits, SCBA, etc
- Inspections, checklists, tags, register.
- Are employees, contractors and site personnel trained in emergency procedures? What training has been conducted?
- Training records for emergency response, rescue, confined space, first aid, fire warden, etc.
- Are emergency instructions and contacts clearly communicated to people on site?
- Emergency contact sheets displayed, induction, evacuation signs/maps displayed, and emergency equipme
- Do records exist of emergency rehearsals and reviews?
- Records of emergency drills. These must be in accordance with local legislation.
- Does the site follow a specific process for the investigation and subsequent corrective actions surrounding the reporting of an incident, hazard or near miss?
- Specified procedure identified in the OHS, environment or incident plan.
- Do all incidents, hazards and near miss get investigated and corrective actions detailed in Utrac V2?
- Review UTrac reports – for % Closeout (80% aim)Number of events to be closed, confirmed etc.Evidence
- Are corrective actions closed out appropriately and incidents closed on Utrac V2?
- Can be reviewed under the incidents in progress section of Utrac and the action register.
- Are preventative actions, incident findings and learning's communicated to all relevant people and organisations?
- Evidence of incident alerts, meeting minutes (toolbox/pre-starts/incident close outs). These need to
- Are old or incorrect or unauthorised versions of forms/documents used on site?
- Inspect records for old forms, made up forms, inconsistent/constantly changing templates.
- Does the site maintain the “Rail” safety filling system?
- The HSSE standard structure filing system. Needs to contain the required documents, i.e. Inspections,
- Are safety records legible, kept protected and stored in a way that makes them easy to find?
- Neat and tidy records, readable inspections/reports, stored in a logical filling system (not thrown i
- Are documents and records archived in a manner which will enable easy retrieval for legal, health and safety purposes?
- Documented archival process and evidence that it is followed.
- Does site management attend incident reviews/close-out meetings?
- Attendance from meeting minutesAre findings communicated to personnel?
- Does site management periodically review OHS and environmental performance, initiate feedback from personnel or promote HSSE initiatives?
- Meeting minutes from review, reports on performance, involvement/promotion of safety initiatives.